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Join our rescue team in some friendly fire at local Paintball Park, Synergy Woods in Grafton for a Paintball fundraiser! Proceeds from this event will be going directly towards the medical bills of our rescue animals! Do you have any family members, friends, or even co-workers you want to enter competition with? Bring them along! Join us on Sunday, May 5th at 12:00PM at Syngergy Woods Paintball Park! You must get your tickets in advance, but tickets include all-day admission, unlimited air fills, 500 paintballs, and rental equipment. You must be at least 10+ to participate. Head to their website at to register!


Attention Scentsy Lovers!

We are announcing our Spring & Summer Scentsy Fundraiser! 

From May 1st - June 30th, join our Scentsy party (thanks to Krystal P.) and order all your spring cleaning supplies, spring decor, and favorite Scentsy items! Part of proceeds will be going towards the medical bills of our rescue animals! Get ready for nicer weather with us and follow this link to get started:

Big thank you to Krystal P for setting this up for us! We appreciate you!

Join our Clefty Crew for a family friendly Pack Walk!


We are venturing out to Carlisle Reservation for a lovely scenic walk on their trails!

Our Pack Walks are completely free to join & you may get to meet some of our adoptable rescue pups! This is a great way for our rescue pups and your dogs to get socialization!

Anyone can join us, even if you don't have any dogs!


We have safety guidelines that you must follow:

- Dogs must have a collar & leash at all times

- No retractable leashes

- Dogs must be up to date on vaccines

- You must pick up after your dog

- If your dog is more reactive or nervous around people or dogs,

please stick to the far back of the Pack Walk


**We will be meeting at the Welcome Center and will be walking the Short Loop Trail, approximately 0.7 miles long.**

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