"I filled out the application and everything fell right into place. Crystal was up front about all the information and expectations, and also kept us up to date, every step of the way. We kept her name as Petra and she has become attached to our mastiff pup and they have become completely inseparable! The intelligence this little girl displays is incredible and we work every day to keep her confidence up. We are beyond grateful for the chance that Crystal gave us to add this beautiful angel to our pack." - Alysia M.

Formerly known as Stuey
"He loves my husband... he's a sweet little guy & definitely has a big personality. It's really coming out! Lots of napping on his person... He loves everyone. Such a sweetheart! I call him my shadow because he's constantly under my feet. The OG of our house (Huck) is being such a pushover with him. He will let the puppy steal his treats and toys whenever he wants. We love him!" - Jessica R.

"She is doing amazing! She's doing great with the kids and they are having a blast together! My husband and her have a little belly rub ritual when he gets home and she falls asleep on the couch with him. She mastered the steps pretty quickly once she realized we were feeding the cat upstairs. I understand why she has a slow feed bowl! She's getting along well with our cat too even though she tries to steal his food. It's really been awesome. She is just the sweetest!" - Mary H.

"Tequila has fit in with our family like she was always a part of it. We got to meet Tequila through volunteering with the rescue several times and could never understand why nobody snatched her up! We kept saying how much we loved her every time we met her, but weren't sure if a puppy was right for our family at the time. By the third or fourth time meeting her at rescue events, they told us nobody was applying for her and we were shocked! She was a PERFECT puppy. Crystal's Clefts spent their time socializing her, and she remains to this day the sweetest pup we've ever met. She was the best behaved puppy in puppy training classes, and loves her new home. She is an expert snuggler, loves watching TV with her family, and enjoys walking the trails with her dad. We are all so grateful and in love with her!" - The Ogan Family

Formerly known as Nugget
"Crystal does such an amazing job raising these puppies. I adopted Mochi (Previously known as Nugget) from her back in July and he is the happiest boy. Her adoption process is fairly easy. She has you fill-out an application and asks so many important questions because she wants these babies to have only the BEST homes. She picks through the applications and chooses the best family for each puppy. Once a family is picked, she takes the puppy for a meet and greet with the family and if all goes well she sends them off for a two-week trial period to make sure they fit in. Thankfully, they are so well mannered and socialized so fitting in usually isn’t a problem. We couldn’t be more thankful towards her for saving our boy." - Destinee

Formerly known as Seymour
"Our dog trainer sent an email that featured a sweet little Boston Terrier that needed a home and I couldn’t resist.. had to meet this puppy.
Since birth - Ernie was kept in a confined space and as a result his back legs did not work … he dragged them; only his front legs carried him. He was even fitted for wheels as they didn’t think he would be able to use his back legs. After lots of hard work and tons of love, Crystal’s group helped this sweet puppy gain strength… Ernie now runs on all 4 legs! He has a unique gait because of how his hips and knees fused… but it doesn’t slow him down a bit! He keeps up with our 2 boxers and he is almost impossible to catch! Ernie is a very special boy… he fills our hearts and makes us laugh every day. He has brought so much joy to us and to everyone that meets him. My son and I cannot imagine not having him as part of our family. We are so thankful for Crystal, her team and all of the love and hard work they put into Ernie. They are very special people doing very special work… what as blessing to have met Crystal and to have added Ernie to our family!"